Roman Belousov, PhD
Research Officer
▸ Minecraft-ing our way into studying cell sorting
Minecraft-ing our way into studying cell sorting

Poissonian Cellular Potts Models Reveal Nonequilibrium Kinetics of Cell Sorting

R. Belousov (@ribelousov), S. Savino, P. Moghe (@MoghePrachiti), T. Hiiragi, L. Rondoni, and A. Erzberger (@ErzbergerGroup) | Open Access by CC BY 4.0

Our recent PRL publication, which describes a new framework revealing the role of dissipative timescales and nonequilibrium thermodynamics in shaping complex biological structures, has been spotlighted in EMBL Communications! The collective properties of active systems depend not only on the accessible energy states, but also on the transient dynamics. A new framework for dynamical discrete-state systems–a Poissonian extension of the Cellular Potts model widely used in cancer research and development biology–now permits studying thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of biological tissues.

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▸ (Post)modern thermodynamics | Luxembourg
(Post)modern thermodynamics

Fabulous winter lights in Luxembourg and (Post)modern thermodynamics—a school and workshop with a philosophical twist, in which I had the honor to give a short talk.

Frenesy-entropy decomposition in “action”

R. Belousov1, S. Savino1, 2, P. Moghe1, 3, T. Hiiragi1, 3, L. Rondoni2, A. Erzberger1.

1 EMBL—European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Meyerhofstraße 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany; 2 PoliTo—Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy; 3 Hubrecht institute, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584 CT Utrecht, Netherlands.

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▸ Ito VS Stratonovich
Ito VS Stratonovich

The Ito-Stratonovich dilemma has been solved: again 😅, but this time together with the Smoluchowski–Fokker-Planck dilemma for inhomogeneous diffusion—most definitely 🧐!
Phys. Rev. E 106, 2022.

Statistical physics of inhomogeneous transport: Unification of diffusion laws and inference from first-passage statistics

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▸ Physics of Life 2022 | Edinburgh
Physics of life 2022

I had the honor of being an invited speaker at the Physics of Life 2022 summer school in Edingburgh. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19, my contribution turned into an online talk…

Energetics of cellular and multicellular organization

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